Sunday, July 7, 2013

Almond crusted cod with stuffed eggplant

For date night I wanted to take advantage of our fresh produce and local fish market. I just recently placed an order with Front Porch Pickings which is a local distributor of organic/local produce that delivers to your door! I love the variety they have and I am all about supporting local business. I went to Hulls Seafood for the cod. They had a ton of fresh options and I would recommend anyone going there! Anyways, on to the recipe!

I used 1 white eggplant. You can use any type i'm sure but this is what we got with our delivery :). Cut out the center and save it. Saute about a cup of spinach with a white onion, 3 cloves of garlic,2 tbs olive oil, and the eggplant. I use greek seasoning for spices along with black pepper and lots of pepper flakes! Saute until onions are browned and the eggplant is slightly soft. While you are doing this make sure to bake the eggplant shells in a 400 degree oven. I prepped them with olive oil, salt and pepper.

The cod was super easy, but it packed a mean flavor punch. All you need is about 3/4 of a cup of almond meal. Put it in a bowl with any seasoings you like. I used more greek seasoning, cajun seasoning,pepper flakes, and regular black pepper. Mix it all together. Oil a baking sheet and place your cod or any fish you like. I used free range herb butter and broke pieces along the fish. Top with the crumbs and squirt a bunch of lemon on top! Bake at 400 then set your broiler on to brown the top. It took about 15 minutes total. As for your eggplant, take the shells out when they slightly soften, stuff with the spinach mixture and sprinkle with a sharp cheese. I usually prefer feta but we tried goat this time :). Cover and bake along with the fish. That's it, super quick and healthy. I try to make meals I would pay money for in a restaurant....but when you can dish it up at home it makes it that much better (and cheaper!). You never really know what kind of junk they hide in your food. I hope you like it! :)