Wednesday, March 27, 2013


This is an oldie but goodie. I used to follow Bodyrock religiously, then realized I wanted to focus on muscle gain. These HIIT workouts are great to incorporate into your strength training routine. I always look to Zuzana Light whenever I need a little motivation. Plus, these workouts are really fun and challenging! My time was 32 minutes and some change ;)

Chest Triceps Shoulders

I finally bought a dry erase board to write my workouts on to make it easier to post my sets and reps without having to type the whole thing out. Plus, it saves paper :). I have been making sure to eat at least 2000 calories per day and have seen noticeable changes in strength ( go figure). I am super excited that I now can perform dips on the dip station with no assistance! So here is the workout.....

Sunday, March 10, 2013


So I tend to have a problem with keeping a solid routine. It always consists of strength training being the primary focus, but my ZCUT routines weren't keeping me motivated due to the repetitive nature. In addition to indoor cardio routines ( BLAH!) they keep you INSIDE! I miss being out enjoying my runs in the late afternoon heat, so I decided I am going to incorporate it back into my routine! Only this time, in the form of sprinting :). If you haven't noticed I prefer intensity over the long, slow, steady, boring, barely breakin' a sweat workout. So here is the split....

Day 1: Lower
Day 2: Upper
Day 3: Sprints
Day 4: Upper
Day 5: Lower
Day 6: Sprints
Day 7: REST!
Abs twice a week

On the days I strength train, I want to be really able to focus on muscle fatigue and not anticipate cardio work afterwards. If I feel like adding it on, fine. If not, I won't. My last routine led me to a bit of overreaching. I feel this split will help
me to better the individual goal without stacking both on top of one another. Goals being strength, power, and endurance. I also need to stick to a solid stretching routine, this has always been a weakness of mine! Here is an outline of last weeks workouts and reps....

Squats (95 lbs) 12,12,10,8
Split Squats (50 lbs) 12,10,8,8
Deadlifts (95 lbs) 10,8,8,10
Hanging twisted leg raises 20,15,15,15
Cable reverse crunch 10,12,10,10 ( These gave me an AB PUMP like no other!)
Cardio Interval skipping/Sandbag swings 24 rounds of 10/30

Upper ( Back and biceps focus)
Chin ups 7,6,6,5
SS 1
Barbell row (55lb) 12,9,12,12
Hammer curls (15 lb) 10,8,8,8
SS 2:
Straight arm pulldown (20 lb) 15,15,12,12
Cable curls (20 lb) 11,10,10,10
SS 3:
Lat pulldown (50 lb) 12,10,10,8
Incline curl (10 lb) 6,6,6,6 dropset

Saturday Sprints only 15 rounds 1 minute jog to 30 second sprints

Upper Body ( Chest triceps shoulders)
SS 1:
Chest press ( 55 lb) 13,12,7,6 dropset 12 with bar
Fly on the ball (15 lb) 8,6,7,7
SS 2:
Shoulder Press (45 lb) 5,6,6,6
Tricep pressdown ( 25 lb) 8,8,6,4
SS 3:
Cable front raise (10lb) 13,12,10,8
Lateral raise (10 lb) 15,10,12,13 last 2 were dropsets with 8lb
SS 4:
Dips with dip station 11,6,6,5
Skull crusher with cable ( 20 lb) 13,7,4,10 last was dropset with 15lb
 Cardio was 15 rounds 20 seconds rest 30 seconds work with the POWER ROPE! I finally used this bad boy and man did it burrrrrrn!

If your reading this and decide to try one of my workouts, let me know how you did! :) Happy Training!!!