Sunday, July 7, 2013

Almond crusted cod with stuffed eggplant

For date night I wanted to take advantage of our fresh produce and local fish market. I just recently placed an order with Front Porch Pickings which is a local distributor of organic/local produce that delivers to your door! I love the variety they have and I am all about supporting local business. I went to Hulls Seafood for the cod. They had a ton of fresh options and I would recommend anyone going there! Anyways, on to the recipe!

I used 1 white eggplant. You can use any type i'm sure but this is what we got with our delivery :). Cut out the center and save it. Saute about a cup of spinach with a white onion, 3 cloves of garlic,2 tbs olive oil, and the eggplant. I use greek seasoning for spices along with black pepper and lots of pepper flakes! Saute until onions are browned and the eggplant is slightly soft. While you are doing this make sure to bake the eggplant shells in a 400 degree oven. I prepped them with olive oil, salt and pepper.

The cod was super easy, but it packed a mean flavor punch. All you need is about 3/4 of a cup of almond meal. Put it in a bowl with any seasoings you like. I used more greek seasoning, cajun seasoning,pepper flakes, and regular black pepper. Mix it all together. Oil a baking sheet and place your cod or any fish you like. I used free range herb butter and broke pieces along the fish. Top with the crumbs and squirt a bunch of lemon on top! Bake at 400 then set your broiler on to brown the top. It took about 15 minutes total. As for your eggplant, take the shells out when they slightly soften, stuff with the spinach mixture and sprinkle with a sharp cheese. I usually prefer feta but we tried goat this time :). Cover and bake along with the fish. That's it, super quick and healthy. I try to make meals I would pay money for in a restaurant....but when you can dish it up at home it makes it that much better (and cheaper!). You never really know what kind of junk they hide in your food. I hope you like it! :)

Monday, May 27, 2013


Hello friends! So as of late I have upped the anty a bit with my routine. Since going to Crossfit, I realized that I now want to focus on athleticism vs bodybuilding. I have been making strength gains by adding different equipment and trying to learn different exercises. The new challenges I have been facing have been great! For example, I am now practicing my double unders with the jump rope, dips with gymnastics rings, and olympic lifting. I still try to maintain an upper or lower body focus on the days I train, but inevitably you end up working your whole body during a "Metcon" or Metabolic Conditioning. All this means is your working more on endurance vs strictly strength. Typically my workouts will consist of more of a strength phase to start finished with a Metcon. This was yesterdays workout.....

Chest Press 4 sets
1- 65lb 9 reps
2-70 lb 7 reps
3-75lb 5 reps
4-80lb 3 reps

Shoulder Press 4 sets 50 lb

Barbell Row 4 sets
1- 65lb 15 reps
2- 75lb 10 reps
3- 80lb 7 reps
4- 80lb 5 reps

Seated Cable Row 4 sets
1- 60lb 12 reps
2- 65lb 10 reps
3- 70lb 7 reps
4- 70lb 6 reps

I also added in 4 sets of lateral raises with dumbells and bicep curls. I practiced 3 sets of split jerks with the barbell. This was my first attempt at them and it was so much fun. I started with just the 45lb bar and added 10 lb to practice good form. I can't wait to start adding weight to those bad boys!

To finish the workout, Justin and I did a Metcon using our new toy, the SLED! We added 50 lb and did 20 rounds of 30 second intervals pushing the sled and then using the battle ropes. It ended up being really fun and challenging! Try to incorporate new exercises into your routine. Find stuff you like, get the body moving and challenge yourself. Complacency kills!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Crossfit and leg day

I have been a little underwhelmed by my workouts as of late. Not having any motivation, progress has slowed, etc. so, the other night while surfing on Facebook I came across East Ormond Beach Crossfit. Now I had tried Crossfit before but wasn't willing to pay the money seeing as how I have all of the equipment at home, along with a personal trainer for a husband. This group however was offering a free intro women's only class, so I thought why not? I was immediately inspired by the group of women and excited to meet like-minded people that want to be healthy and strong. I plan on going regularly since the price is right :) and so I can have a support net. I'm ready for more challenge. Today I was motivated to do more weight on my squats and dead lifts and just for shits and giggles I attempted my pull ups, and completed 4! This is huge for me seeing as how the last attempt ended up with one half ass rep. The fire has officially been re-lit, so WATCH OUT!

This is what today looked like.....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Chest triceps shoulders

Increased weight on my barbell shoulder press! Added 20 min skipping at the end of this bad boy, forgive the scratch paper. When your in the middle of a move you use whatcha can!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


This is an oldie but goodie. I used to follow Bodyrock religiously, then realized I wanted to focus on muscle gain. These HIIT workouts are great to incorporate into your strength training routine. I always look to Zuzana Light whenever I need a little motivation. Plus, these workouts are really fun and challenging! My time was 32 minutes and some change ;)

Chest Triceps Shoulders

I finally bought a dry erase board to write my workouts on to make it easier to post my sets and reps without having to type the whole thing out. Plus, it saves paper :). I have been making sure to eat at least 2000 calories per day and have seen noticeable changes in strength ( go figure). I am super excited that I now can perform dips on the dip station with no assistance! So here is the workout.....

Sunday, March 10, 2013


So I tend to have a problem with keeping a solid routine. It always consists of strength training being the primary focus, but my ZCUT routines weren't keeping me motivated due to the repetitive nature. In addition to indoor cardio routines ( BLAH!) they keep you INSIDE! I miss being out enjoying my runs in the late afternoon heat, so I decided I am going to incorporate it back into my routine! Only this time, in the form of sprinting :). If you haven't noticed I prefer intensity over the long, slow, steady, boring, barely breakin' a sweat workout. So here is the split....

Day 1: Lower
Day 2: Upper
Day 3: Sprints
Day 4: Upper
Day 5: Lower
Day 6: Sprints
Day 7: REST!
Abs twice a week

On the days I strength train, I want to be really able to focus on muscle fatigue and not anticipate cardio work afterwards. If I feel like adding it on, fine. If not, I won't. My last routine led me to a bit of overreaching. I feel this split will help
me to better the individual goal without stacking both on top of one another. Goals being strength, power, and endurance. I also need to stick to a solid stretching routine, this has always been a weakness of mine! Here is an outline of last weeks workouts and reps....

Squats (95 lbs) 12,12,10,8
Split Squats (50 lbs) 12,10,8,8
Deadlifts (95 lbs) 10,8,8,10
Hanging twisted leg raises 20,15,15,15
Cable reverse crunch 10,12,10,10 ( These gave me an AB PUMP like no other!)
Cardio Interval skipping/Sandbag swings 24 rounds of 10/30

Upper ( Back and biceps focus)
Chin ups 7,6,6,5
SS 1
Barbell row (55lb) 12,9,12,12
Hammer curls (15 lb) 10,8,8,8
SS 2:
Straight arm pulldown (20 lb) 15,15,12,12
Cable curls (20 lb) 11,10,10,10
SS 3:
Lat pulldown (50 lb) 12,10,10,8
Incline curl (10 lb) 6,6,6,6 dropset

Saturday Sprints only 15 rounds 1 minute jog to 30 second sprints

Upper Body ( Chest triceps shoulders)
SS 1:
Chest press ( 55 lb) 13,12,7,6 dropset 12 with bar
Fly on the ball (15 lb) 8,6,7,7
SS 2:
Shoulder Press (45 lb) 5,6,6,6
Tricep pressdown ( 25 lb) 8,8,6,4
SS 3:
Cable front raise (10lb) 13,12,10,8
Lateral raise (10 lb) 15,10,12,13 last 2 were dropsets with 8lb
SS 4:
Dips with dip station 11,6,6,5
Skull crusher with cable ( 20 lb) 13,7,4,10 last was dropset with 15lb
 Cardio was 15 rounds 20 seconds rest 30 seconds work with the POWER ROPE! I finally used this bad boy and man did it burrrrrrn!

If your reading this and decide to try one of my workouts, let me know how you did! :) Happy Training!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I've been waiting to post until I started using my power rack so I can really start to monitor my progress. This thing is FANCY. Definitely what we needed to up the anty! The power rack is great because it's a squat rack with a safety so you can use it without a spotter, and also use heavier weight. Another perk is that it has a low pulley and a high pulley, which enables us to add cable moves to our workouts. Let me tell you what, I love my dumbbells but cables really add some much needed resistance. I was surprised with how much weight I didn't use with the cables, but difficulty and challenge are what it's all about!

Sunday- Back and Biceps 4 sets for each exercise
Chin-ups unassisted- 8,6,4,3
SS 1:
Seated cable row- 12,9,8,8 (50-55lb)
Lat pulldown- 10,6,6,8 (same weight)
SS 2:
Straight arm pressdown- 12,12,10,9 (20lb)
Cable biceps curls- 12,10,7,9 (25lb)
SS 3:
Bent over cable row- 10,8,8,7 (50lb)
Incline dumbbell curl- 6,8,6,8 (10lb)
Finished with ZCUT for cardio

Monday LEGS!
Squats- 20,10,12,10 (65lb,90,85,75)
SS 1:
Split squats R- 15,15,15,15 (45lb,55,60,65)
                    L- 15,15,15,15
SS 2:
Cable kickback into cable abduction R- 12,10 for each set each leg 15lb
Finished with ZCUT for cardio

Tuesday:ZCUT Cardio

Wednesday Chest and Triceps:
Chest Press: 12,8,8,7,10 60lb then dropped last set to 45
SS 1:
Dumbbell flys- 8,8,8,6 (15lb)
Cable skull crushers- 15,15,11,12 (15lb)
SS 2:
Dips on dip station- 7,8,6,6
Triceps pushdowns- 10,12,12,12 (15lb)
ZCUT for cardio

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Progress Pic + Todays W/O

Whew! I was too busy to do a workout yesterday but MAN did I make up for it today. It was an upper body workout and I have been consistently adding cardio to the end of my workouts so today I chose the first workout from Zuzana Light's ZCUT Power Cardio program! I will be incorporating her workouts in with my strength training, and a little bit of running. When it's this time of year I can't help but want to be outside as much as possible. I also tried a new Pre-Workout supplement today from Gamma Labs called G-FUEL and I LOVE IT! It doesn't have a bunch of junk in it and it doesn't give you that weird tingle I have experienced with other brands, and it tastes amazing. We ordered fruit punch! Anyway, here's what today looked like....

Superset 1:
Shoulder Press 20 lb dumbbells:7,6,7,6
Lateral Raise 10 lb dumbbells: 12,12,12,12
Rear Delt Raise 10 lb dumbbells: 12,12,12,12

Superset 2:
Chest Press with Barbell 55 lbs: 12,9,6,8
Overhead Triceps Extension 20 lb: 5,5,5,5
Bench Dips legs extended: 6,6,8,10

Superset 3:
Bicep Curl 20 lb Dumbbells: 8,5,3 (3 w/ 15's),8 w/ 15's
High Row 50 lbs: 10,8,9,8
Reverse Grip Pulldowns 70 lbs: 10,10,10,10



                                             TIME!!!! 8:04

Now here's me flexin' :) I'm really proud of where I have come!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Weighing In

Instead of writing my WHOLE workouts for last week, i'm going to be lazy and write my weight and reps for each exercise. This will make it a little easier for me to see where I have progressed....
Split Squats 50 lb average 8-10 reps
Chin-ups average 6 unassisted
Barbell Rows 60 lbs 10-12 reps
Single Arm Rows 30 lbs 6-8 reps
Lat Pulldowns 70 lbs 12 reps
Bicep Curl 20 lbs 8-10 reps
Squats and Deadlifts 120 lbs 6-10 reps
Chest Press 55 lbs

These are the main exercises I would like to focus and improve upon....I have changed my routine a bit and the outline looks like this....

Sunday- LEGS+HIIT ( high intensity interval training)
Monday- UPPER+MIC (medium intensity cardio)
Tuesday- HIIT
Wednesday- UPPER+MIC
Thursday- LEGS+HIIT
Friday- REST
Saturday- UPPER+ MIC

I am so excited about the new addition to our home gym, a POWER RACK! Now I won't ever have to go to the gym :) and I can lift heavier while in the comfort of my own home, weeeeeeeee! Can't WAIT to make some more progress!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quinoa Sushi!!!!

Yay! I finally made a new recipe I have been meaning to try and it was a huge success! Justin and I LOVE sushi, but it's not necessarily the healthiest option, and it can definitely be expensive at a restaurant. This version is super healthy and cost effective, so here's what I used!......

1 lb quinoa
2 sweet potatoes
1 large cucumber
1 avocado
1 large jalapeno
1 package of Nori

First, I roasted my sweet potatoes until lightly soft at 400 degrees for about 30 min. For the sushi they still need to be a little firm. While they cooked I prepared all of the veggies slicing everything really thin lengthwise. For the quinoa, you basically measure out the amount you want to use and cook in double the amount of water. Bring to a boil and simmer until light and fluffy, about 20 minutes. I also wanted to try some red lentils for this recipe but it resulted in a mushy sushi, no good! Now to assemble! I don't have a bamboo mat, HOWEVER I improvised with a folded plastic trash bag ;). I found a tutorial online and it worked great!
Place your nori on the bag. Use about 3 spoonfuls of quinoa and spread evenly leaving about a half inch on the perimeter. Place your veggies about an inch from the end closest to you. Slowly fold over with the bag and evenly press so that it starts to seal, then peel back the bag and keep rolling, slow with even pressure. It takes a little practice but you start to get the groove fairly quickly! Make sure you have a really sharp knife and slice these babies up! We dipped them in a mixture of low sodium soy sauce and hot chinese mustard! YUMMMM!

Well there you have it, lunch for this week. I plan on doing this again for Valentines day, using some seared tuna :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Workouts

WOD Sunday 2/3 LEGS!
I couldn't write down my reps since I didn't have a rest interval.

Interval Strength Training 6 Rounds 50/50
Walking Lunges 50 lbs
Jump Lunges

Set 2: Same 6R 50/50
Sandbag Squat 40 lbs
Reptile Leg Lifts

Set 3: Same
Side Step ups with 40 lb sandbag (shoulder)
Right side first interval, then switch to left.

4 Sets of Deadlifts with a 85 lb barbell

100 reps of medicine ball jump squats ( touch butt to the ball :) )

Monday 2/4 Arms! Focus on mainly back,biceps, and triceps

Pull-ups 3 sets assisted

Triple Set:
Barbell Row 60 lbs: 11,10,12
One arm row R: 6,6,8
(30 lbs)         L: 6,6,8

SS 1:
Lat pulldown reverse grip 70 lbs 15,12,12
Dumbbell pullovers 20 lbs 15,12,12

SS 2:
Alternating biceps curl 20 lb first set, 15 lbs for last 2 sets: 6,10,12
Triceps kickbacks 15 lb dumbbells: 12,10,12

SS 3:
Barbell curls 35 lbs: 7,6,4 - dropset to 25 lbs 7 reps
Overhead triceps extensions 20 lb dumbbells: 12,11,10

SS 4:
Triceps push up: 8,7,8
Bench dips: 10,8,7

I will post a new recipe that I have been meaning to try tomorrooooow!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Philly Style Stuffed Peppers + Today's Workout!

Last night I decided to make a new recipe, inspired by pinterest. The "normal" philly cheese steak sandwiches are loaded with tons of fat, so making a lighter version is great to help curb any "bad food" cravings. Making healthier versions of your favorite foods is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. It's about making the right choices and common sense, not some fad diet. You cannot go wrong with your meal plans if you always focus on eating clean, unprocessed food and keeping your portion sizes small. Eating frequently keeps you from binging, so adding healthy snacks in between meals is like a safety net. And of course, don't forget to eat tons of veggies and fruit! These basic rules are the key to any success with "diet". I really hate that word....but anyhow, here's what you will need!

1 yellow onion
1 pint baby portabella mushrooms
1 lb sliced deli roast beef
2 green peppers
2 slices pepper jack veggie cheese (any low fat cheese is fine, but I like this type because they make a great pepper jack flavor)
1/2 cup white cooking wine

First, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Cut your peppers in half without the seeds and bake for 15 min. While they are in the oven, saute your mushrooms in the wine. Cook for about 5 minutes and then add the onion ( a rough chop is fine). For spices I had some au jus flavoring which I know is loaded with sodium, so I used only a tablespoon. Then to add some spice I used a tablespoon of Mrs. Dash Chipotle seasoning. Play around with the flavors YOU like, you don't have to use these spices. When your veggies are browned, turn off the heat and lay the beef over them, just to slightly heat it up. I didn't want the meat to wither away over high heat. Stuff your peppers and bake for 15 minutes making sure they are tented in foil. Put your cheese on top and bake until melted and then EAT!


So now here was my workout for today......
My legs are super duper sore from yesterday so today's intensity was moderate and upper body focused.

Circuit Training: Time Challenge

3 Rounds, 10 Repetitions for each exercise:

Bicep Curl + Overhead Press 15 lb Dumbbells

Reptile Push ups

Chin ups ( mostly assisted)

Bent Over Row (25 lb plates)

Dips on the Dip Station

Leg Lifts x 50 reps

TIME!: 29:28

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Legs and Cardio Killer

WOD Jan 1/30

So, the plan today was to do the same type of workout Justin and I did on Sunday. It was super intense and was specifically focused on the lower body. I am used to doing high knee skipping with the jump rope to add a cardiovascular element to strength training circuits and I was pleasantly surprised to find that adding running instead was going to up the anty.....ALOT. So here's what today looked like!
Part One:
Rear leg elevated split squats. I held two 25 lb plates and did 3 sets. One leg was right after the other without a break. Set 1 I performed 10 reps on each leg, and the last 2 sets I managed 8 for each.
Part Two:
500ish Meter run
Part Three:
3 sets of 20 reps, Alternating side lunges with the sandbag ( 40 lbs)
Part Four:
500ish Meter run
Part Five:
3 sets of 20 reps.Alternating curtsy lunges holding two 25 lb plates
Part Six:
500ish Meter run
And FINALLY, Part Seven:
Glute bridge burnout, 100 reps

TIME!- 40:01

Definitely felt like I had enough after this one, but in a good way :)

Tonight for dinner I decided to make Philly Cheese style stuffed peppers, inspired by a recipe on pinterest. I will post it tomorrow!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Pretend it's summer pasta salad!

This week I decided to keep it simple, but by no means lacking flavor. Here are my ingredients...

1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
Fresh basil
1 pint cherry tomatoes
Whole wheat pasta, I used half a box
Half a white onion
Half a cup red wine vinegar
1 packet Italian seasoning dressing
1 cucumber
Splash olive oil

First, I put the seasoning, vinegar and oil in the bottom of the bowl. Cook the pasta while you cut up your veggies. I chopped the peppers and onion, halved the tomatoes, and sliced my cukes nice and thin. Then, I julienned the was so pretty!

I ended up saving the flower and putting on the windowsill....I wonder if it will grow if I plant it. Anyways, rinse the cooked pasta and add to the mix. I also added some pepper flakes!

The best thing about this salad is it will just keep getting better the longer it sits. I decided to eat some chicken Italian sausage with this, so I just browned them so they are ready to go. I plan to keep them whole just for portion control, then I'll slice them and put them on the salad!

Tadaa! Lunch for the week! And yes, I wish it was summer already. Especially since so many fruits and veggies will be at their peak!

Here's Daphney waiting for a treat to drop! Easy clean-up ;)

Monday Mo Muscle!

WOD Monday 1/28

Today was an upper body day, I was really motivated to up my weights today. Felt good making some progress! Everything was done in a superset, meaning that you perform one exercise and go directly into another without any rest. This makes the workout challenging and more time efficient!

SS 1:
One arm rows 30 lb first two sets, 40 on last set.
Lat pull downs 50 lb 1st set 60 on last 2 sets

SS 2:
Shoulder Press 20 lb dumbbells
8,5,then breakdown last set 5 reps 20 lb,5 reps 15 lb, 5 reps 10 lb
Tricep dips on a bench, legs extended

SS 3:
1 Front raise + 1 Lateral raise + 1 Reverse fly = 1 rep (thanks hubby ;) ) with 10 lb dumbbells

SS 4:
Bicep curls 20 lb dumbbells
Tricep rope push downs 25 lbs

Later today I plan on doing some type of cardio, and I will be posting my lunch for this week!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Couples who play together, stay together :)

WOD Sunday 1/27
Today's workout was put together with the help of my husband, who decided to do it along with me :) It definitely helps to give me that little extra push!

We began the workout with 3 sets of deadlifts. My weight was 85lb and I performed 8 reps for each set. Justin did 205lb and 8 reps for each set....and then the fun began!

Timed Workout: Strength Training + Cardio

Cleans:10 Reps
(I used a 40 lb sandbag, Justin used a 95 lb barbell)

570 meter run

Walking Lunges: 20 reps
(I carried 50 lbs, Justin did 60 lb)

570 meter run

Sumo Squats: 30 reps
(I used a 40 lb sandbag, Justin instead did 95 lb sumo deadlifts)

570 meter run

TIME: 19:28

We are going to make it a point to put together a really tough workout every Sunday, just to spice things up! Plus it was really fun. After this we went to Images with my niece and had a really great day, hope your Sunday was great as well! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday Night Quickie!

WOD Sat 1/26
After a busy day at work I just wanted to come home and get this OVER WITH!
Put together a simple yet effective lil diddy, try and beat my time ;)

20 Divebomber pushups
30 Pull-ups assisted, unassisted negative
40 Sand bag swings 20lb
50 Sit-ups
60 Competition burpees

Aaaaaand TIME! : 14:54

The quicker you push out your workout, the sooner your weekend begins!
Happy Saturday!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

WOD Thurs 1/24

Today I focused on abs and threw in a little upper body for good measure. Holy moly my legs are SORE today! It was an interval training.....18 rounds of 10/50

Stability ball pike push-up:11,8,7
Sandbag sit-ups(20 lb): 9,8,8
Tricep dips: 15,15,17
Hanging knee raises: 18,14,19
Seated pull-ups w/ dip station: 17,18,22
Seated medicine ball toss 10lb: 21,20,25

After completing this workout I threw in 10 minutes of interval skipping, 20 rounds 10/30

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fun with spaghetti squash,

Tonight for dinner I decided to make a bolognese with ground turkey and a yummy spaghetti squash. Here were the ingredients:
Half a white onion
1lb ground lean turkey
3 garlic cloves
1 can spaghetti sauce, I like hunts garlic and herb....they don't add a bunch of crap and its easy to tweak to your liking. Or get REALLY fancy and make your own :)
1 spaghetti squash

First, you roast the squash in a 400 degree oven for about an hour....make sure you poke holes in it first so it doesn't explode! If the knife goes in easy and it's a bit brown on the sides, it's done.
Then, sauté the onion with the meat, add the garlic and then the sauce. I keep the heat fairly high to reduce some of the liquid.
Cut open your squash and remove the seeds. Use your fork to remove it and strain.
Plop some on your plate, top with sauce and whatever else you like. I prefer a little pepper and of course pepper flakes!
Serve with a little side salad and you've got yourself a meal! This was soooo good!

Jello, anyone?

So, this isn't a recipe post....the jello is in reference to how my legs feel. Totally wiped out after today's lower body workout. Yesterday was a rest day, so I always like to come back with a bang! Here is an outline of what I did......

Strength Training:

Deadlifts: 3 sets, 1 warm-up set

1st set: 12 reps 65lbs  Next 3 sets 85lbs:
2nd: 8 reps
3rd: 10 reps
4th: 10 reps

Rear leg elevated squats, two 25lb plates
1st set: 6 reps
2nd: 8 reps
3rd: 10 reps

Interval Training: 12 rounds 10/50
Alternating side lunges, 30lb sandbag: 15,14,12
Half burpee + lateral jump over sandbag: 12,10,9
Front squats w/ sandbag: 15,13,13
Sandbag swings: 22,25,28

Phew, glad that's over :) Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Breakfast: Banana Pancakes!

Every single morning for the most part I eat the same thing....not because I choose to make myself but I literally CRAVE these pancakes.......

Mmmmmmm......and the best part is you don't even need any eggs. I eat these babies plain, trust me...they are amazing on their own!

You will need,
1 banana
1/4 cup oat flour
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
handful of walnuts
cinnamon to taste
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
 THAT'S IT! Just mash the banana with a fork and add the rest, I usually cook them with a tsp of coconut oil and there you have it! Hope you give em a try :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lunch for the week....CHICKEN CURRY!

So the best recipes are the ones you kinda slap together, which is what happened here. I know what flavors I like and adjust to my taste. Here were the ingredients....
1 yellow onion
1 green pepper
1 lb chicken tenderloins
2 sweet potatoes
2 tbs garam masala
2 tbs red curry paste
1 tsp cayenne 
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cardamom
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cinnamon 
1 can lite coconut milk
1 can swanson low sodium chicken broth 
1 big can crushed tomatoes
I browned the onion with the chicken, added the green pepper, then the spices, and basically just added everything else, salt to taste!

Oh, almost forgot....this would be great over some basmati or jasmine rice...or even with a piece of naan :)

WOD Monday, Jan 21

Chin-ups.....3 sets
First set......4 reg, 6 assisted
2nd....2 reg, 6 assisted
3rd....2 reg, 6 assisted

Circuit Training, 4 Rounds for time, 10 Reps for each exercise....

Sandbag Overhead Press (30lb)
Tricep Dips
Close-grip push-ups
Bicep curls 15 lb dumbbells
Renegade rows 15 lb dumbbells
100 High knees with jump-rope
TIME: 26:56

Was overall an amazing upper body I have to cook for the week. Will post that later on :)