Monday, May 27, 2013


Hello friends! So as of late I have upped the anty a bit with my routine. Since going to Crossfit, I realized that I now want to focus on athleticism vs bodybuilding. I have been making strength gains by adding different equipment and trying to learn different exercises. The new challenges I have been facing have been great! For example, I am now practicing my double unders with the jump rope, dips with gymnastics rings, and olympic lifting. I still try to maintain an upper or lower body focus on the days I train, but inevitably you end up working your whole body during a "Metcon" or Metabolic Conditioning. All this means is your working more on endurance vs strictly strength. Typically my workouts will consist of more of a strength phase to start finished with a Metcon. This was yesterdays workout.....

Chest Press 4 sets
1- 65lb 9 reps
2-70 lb 7 reps
3-75lb 5 reps
4-80lb 3 reps

Shoulder Press 4 sets 50 lb

Barbell Row 4 sets
1- 65lb 15 reps
2- 75lb 10 reps
3- 80lb 7 reps
4- 80lb 5 reps

Seated Cable Row 4 sets
1- 60lb 12 reps
2- 65lb 10 reps
3- 70lb 7 reps
4- 70lb 6 reps

I also added in 4 sets of lateral raises with dumbells and bicep curls. I practiced 3 sets of split jerks with the barbell. This was my first attempt at them and it was so much fun. I started with just the 45lb bar and added 10 lb to practice good form. I can't wait to start adding weight to those bad boys!

To finish the workout, Justin and I did a Metcon using our new toy, the SLED! We added 50 lb and did 20 rounds of 30 second intervals pushing the sled and then using the battle ropes. It ended up being really fun and challenging! Try to incorporate new exercises into your routine. Find stuff you like, get the body moving and challenge yourself. Complacency kills!

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